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Welcome to Alkimi’s third staking pool on Alkimi Labs! Our staking pools are an important part of our mission to yield fewer and better ads on the internet - rewarding users for browsing the internet rather than exposing them to poor ads and user experiences.
Enrolment for this Alkimi Soft Staking Pool opens on Wednesday, November 2nd at 00:00 GMT and closes on Friday, November 4th at 23:59 GMT. The rewards accumulation period starts on November 1st at 00:00 GMT and ends on November 30th at 23:59 GMT.
A snapshot of all wallets will be taken at the end of the enrolment period. All wallets having staked at least 1000 $ADS tokens during the enrolment period are eligible for a full month of staking rewards. In case a user moves tokens from their wallet before the end of the rewards accumulation period, the remaining tokens are still eligible for rewards on the condition that the amount of $ADS tokens in the wallet does not fall below the minimum amount of 1000 $ADS tokens.
Staking status
Staking minimum
2 Nov 2200:00 GMT-4 Nov 2223:59 GMT
Reward Accumulation
1 Nov 2200:00 GMT-30 Nov 2223:59 GMT